Thank you Justin Cote’ and LEUS for the epic beach towel award given to DNO’s team rider Fisher Stock! LEUS is deeply rooted in the worlds surf culture and headquartered in Encinitas, California. Read their story below, and support a rad local biz striving to make the beach and ocean a cleaner place for all who use it!
We live to be outside, under the sun, soaking in every moment. This spirit is represented with the LEUS icon, as the sun rises and sets over the ocean horizon.
With our collective tribe of all day fun seekers, experience makers, and pool party crashers linked by a common love of good times—there’s no stamp of approval needed to vibe with our tribe.
Inspired by the elements of life that excite us most, LEUS offers a diverse collection of products begging for adventure because everyone knows that fun feels better.
This is how we live. This is LEUS.